Health & Safety Bulletin – Workplace Bullying – July 20

Tasman Group has a policy in place for workplace bullying which is part of the Employee Relations Manual (ERM).

Organisations can minimise the risk of workplace bullying by taking a proactive approach to identify early, any unreasonable behaviour and situations likely to increase the risk of workplace bullying occuring.

Other control measures to manage these risks include:

  • Regular consultation with workers and health and safety representatives to find out if bullying is occuring or if there are factors likely to increase the risk of workplace bullying.
  • Setting the standards of workplace behaviour
  • Designing safe systems of work by clearly definining jobs and providing workers with the resources, information and training they need to carry out their work safely.
  • Implementing workplace bullying and response procedures.
  • Developing productive and respectful workplace relationships through good management practices and effective communication.
  • Providing information and training on workplace bullying policies and procedures, available support and assistance, and how to prevent and respond to workplace bullying.
  • Prioritising measures that foster and protect the psychological health of employees.