Health & Safety Bulletin – Glove Use Guideline – Nov 19

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used at the workplace must be selected to minimise risk to work health and safety, and must be suitable for the nature of work and any hazard associated with the work.

In November, we highlight the importance of using safety gloves correctly to help minimize injuries to hands and fingers.

Importance of Use

It is important to wear gloves when working with hazardous chemicals and other materials because they protect our hands from infection, injuries and contamination. Protective gloves shall be selected based on the hazards involved.

  • Nitrile gloves protect against chemicals and infectious agents.
  • Rubber gloves protect against mild corrosive materials.
  • Neoprene gloves protect against most solvents, oils, and mild corrosive materials.

When to Wear Gloves
During operational activities follow the glove use guide to know when to wear safety gloves.

All gloves should be inspected before and after each use, and periodically while in use. Check to see that they are not torn, punctured, and do not show any signs of degradation.

  • A visual inspection can detect cuts or tears.
  • Gloves that appear discoloured or stiff may be subject to excessive use or degradation and should be disposed.
  • Disposable gloves should be changed as soon as possible after contamination.
  • Reusable gloves should be washed frequently if used for an extended period.
  • Do not handle anything but the materials involved in the procedure while wearing gloves.
  • Replace gloves that are torn/damaged.
  • Refer to the Safety Data Sheet guidelines for glove wear guide.