Health & Safety Bulletin – Contractor’s Health & Safety – Feb 17

Tasman Contractor’s Health & Safety Management Process consists of the following steps:

  1. Contractor Selection & Pre-Qualification: Contractors are assessed based on safety metrics:
    • History of incident performance,
    • Number of safety inspection performed,
    • Availability of safe operating procedures and ability to provide the equipment, services and resources.
  2. Contractor Induction: prior to works commencing, Contractors are required to sign in at the visitors and contractors logbook and to be provided with a safety induction.
  3. Commencement of Work: prior to works commencing, discuss the work to be performed.
  4. Monitoring and Completions of Works: Tasman’s Contractor Management Plan provides a process to monitor the works being undertaken by the Contractor and ensure a WHS non-compliance process. Prior to leaving the workplace, the area will need to be kept in a neat, tidy and safe manner.
  5. Re-evaluation: on a six-monthly period, Contractor’s performance is re-evaluated to determine if they are to retain their services / scope of work.